We provide all kinds of complementary services related to Controlled Atmosphere Systems, from determining the right system to turnkey delivery.

We provide all kinds of complementary services related to Controlled Atmosphere Systems, from determining the right system to turnkey delivery.
Sandwich Panel Installation Consultancy, O2Low or special rooms used in fruit storage require the gas-tight assembly of panels. The correct construction of these rooms starting from the first step directly affects whether the controlled atmosphere application can be efficient or not. In this regard, our expert team with more than 10 years of experience provides qualified services in construction of any hermetic rooms.
After-sales support and maintenance services are the 24/7 support we provide for the controlled atmosphere system to be used without interruption. We perform periodic maintenance of the after-sales system with original parts. Apart from these, our OXYCAT technical service team provides 24/7 service for any possible malfunction repairs.
OXYCAT is your main partner who will help you find the best solutions: on which CA equipment and brands to choose; on calculating right capacity and required power; on how to use CA with various types of air conditioning. Our team also conducts a reliable evaluation of commercial offers and provides its services in the project design development while you purchase your CA project or reconstruct/ enlarge already existing or second-hand CA system. We seal and prepare the room for CA assembly and further install the system. We also provide user training of CA system and cold rooms working with CA system, after-sales support and maintenance, 24/7 support service with remote control or on-sight service visits.